Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Towards Greater Things?

John 14:12,

   In this context, we see that Jesus spoke to the disciples about them doing greater things than what Jesus did during His days. There are many seen and unseen messages in that one sentence alone. Let's see what He really meant and what the world has understood from it.
   Firstly, we see the fulfilment of that promise in just few months after Jesus saying them. The book of Acts confirms the journey of the Gospel outside Israel for the first time and now The Holy Bible and Jesus Christ are no more strangers in almost every part of the World. These were definitely possible only with His power.
   Besides, we also see that so many prayer meetings, big scale concerts, healing meetings, crusades and the transition of the Gospel throughout many media channels happen in front of our eyes. Its for sure that we are doing Greater Things already. The Word wasn't preached so efficiently and effectively like this before.
   These have certainly motivated and inspired many Christians to rise up to do Greater Things for Jesus Christ and The Kingdom of God. But out of 100 only 1 stands till the last winning line of that race. Many fall down and many back off and some still thinking of how to start. Why the initial motivation could not glide them through? Have they lost their spirit?
   No, none of these are true. The real reason behind the 'slow down' is that they misunderstood or selectively understood the context of John 14:12. Jesus did say we will do the same works He did, and yes we are doing it. He also said we will do greater things, and yes we are doing it too. But the fact is that, for doing what Jesus did also means that doing the same works He did and GOING THROUGH THE SAME TROUBLE AND PERSECUTION HE WENT THROUGH.
   Doing Greater Things means, GOING THROUGH GREATER TRIBULATIONS THAN WHAT HAPPENED TO JESUS. Most of us look at the face part of that verse and forget the remaining part of it. Our heart gets ready to perform miracles but not ready to be persecuted. Jesus Himself said that There will be Persecutions. But somehow Christian life just tries its best to skip that part.
   It was not His miracles alone saved us but it was His persecutions and tribulations that powerfully promised us eternal life. So its not wrong to believe in greater things but greater persecutions will result in performing greater things shall not be forgotten.


Isn't This What Jesus Told Us??

I saw this video last year alongside with some other videos after hearing about Endtimes Prophecies Message. To my surprise, at this very moment, there are still many false prophets living breathing the same air we breathe. They are all out deceiving people from hills to the towns. Millions are behind them. Fact is, they use The Bible to deceive people. It is very important for us to have Spirit of Discernment in these days.

It might look and sound funny to those who see it. But they are just too trained and professional in making your mind fool you. Jesus said that in the last days there will be many in the desert and rooms deceiving many , even the chosen ones. Please pray daily that Jesus opens your eyes towards these kinda people.




Why 'The Breath of The Rabbi'?

Initially I was convicted in my spirit to go beyond borders to do something for Christ. But since I was new in Christ and I had no idea what ministry was, I just lived a normal Christian life. But I was always keen in writing stories and researching The Bible. So that was once when I started watching devotional CD's of healing, revival etc. I often got moved with the messages. But besides the messages, wonders, musics, songs, praise & worships etc, what often caught my eyes was the name of the ministries. Starting from Ps Alwin Thomas (Ruah Ministries), I started observing all the name of the ministries and tried getting details behind those names. Fascinating to me, I was so moved with those stories and it was like a mini message. Ruah was the Breath of God. Jesus Calls of Ps DGS Dhinakaran Sir means He is still calling for repentance. Like this, I had the burden to find an appropriate name for mine. I didn't want it to be Eye Catching but Soul Catching. Inspired by Ruah Ministries, God gave me the name of 'The Breath of The Rabbi'. What does it mean?

Breath of The Rabbi, or Jesus's Breath has magnificent power over everything under Him. Jesus is The Alpha and The Omega. His breath created everything, including us. In the Book of Genesis, God says that He blew out the stars and breathed air into our nostrils. All these became real because of Him. Another fact is that, when I saw Passion of Christ, I saw Mel Gibson (Jesus Christ) breathed last saying that " It's all accomplished". It touched me because, The Breath that created us was The Breath that saved us from Eternal Punishment and Sins due to Adam. His Breath promised us Eternal Life with Him. His Breath reconciled the Relationship between Man and God. His Breath opened the Door of Heaven for us.

So, that was why I chose this name as my ministries' name. I pray hard God Himself will guide this blog!