Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Live to Know it, Know to Live it!!

John 3:16

For God so loved the world, He gave His One and Only Begotten Son,...

Being the backbone of the Bible, this verse has been a compulsory verse that every Christian should know by heart. Do they know it? Doesn't matter because most people who know it by heart don't keep it in their heart. Knowing it and living it is two different things that we need to clearly know.

When I was a teenager, I loved to listen about my childhood stories from my grandparents, uncles and aunts, my parents, sister and so on. It was very exciting and inspiring as well. As I grew even more, I started observing kids whom I saw and related myself to them. Many things that were forgotten came to my memory.

Many of them were entertaining but some of them were inspiring. For example, when I was small I used to get obsessed with some kind of toys, as we all do right. I myself have observed my cousin babies getting obsessed with something that might be dangerous or lethal. Its not easy to get that thing from their hand. You have to be an expert I would say to convince them to get it.

We know it might harm them, like pins and knives, but they think we want to share their toy. So as it goes in that manner, one easy way to get rid of it is to introduce something more interesting that they might love it more than the previous so that they will get hold onto this. Like keys and colourful stuffs, we always try to compensate something to get that thing from them.

We also can see this character among animals and adults sometimes. But it taught me a deeper lesson regarding John 3:16. When you love something so much, you won't want to let it go unless for something else that you love more that what you have. I will give you another example.

You own a Wira and you love it so much. No matter who asks it you won't give it, not that you don't want to but they might not take care of the car the same way as you did. But when you want to get a Ferrari maybe, you would give up on this car because you love it more than Wira. Some people maintain both but trust me, their heart lays more towards the Ferrari. Done with the example, simple one I guess.

Similarly, God loves Jesus more than anything and He will Never give Jesus up for anyone. But He did give Jesus up, but why? God loved someone more than Him? Yes, God loved His children, us so much that He gave up Jesus to redeem us eternally. How deep His love could have been that He gave up something that He loved so much for our sake? How graceful and merciful He could have been in letting His only Son to die on the cross for our sins?

From the beginning, He always wanted His children to be with Him. Trust me, when He can give Jesus as a redemption for us, He can do anything to bring back His children. So, this life is purely a grace and gift of God because His Son has redeemed us eternally. Let's appreciate it and bring our fellow brothers and sisters back home. TIME TO GO BACK HOME!



  1. Good job with the illustration of this article.
    So glad that your blog will touch lives.

    God bless!

  2. Amen.
    Thank you so much for those words sis.
    God bless you too.

    1. You're most welcome my friend!
      Keep it coming!
      God bless!!

    2. you have written it in such a beautiful way...
      yes HE loves us so much that HE gave His only son...
      and knowing that HIS son is now interceding for us till this second...
      do you see the LOVE...
      HE is not asking much..but just calling us home...remember the parable of the prodigal son....his father welcomed him with open arms...
      and that's how OUR HEAVENLY FATHER IS WAITING...HE has prepared a banquet for HIS children..
      come lets go doesn't matter what we have done...for all sins are forgiven..HIS LOVE IS SO TRUE..that it never counts your mistakes...
      n HIS LOVE NEVER FAILS... :)

  3. Amen Praise God.
    Thanks for the comment.
    His love never failed and will never.
    He has the key to all closed doors as you said, Trust Him, alone, and you shall Live and not Perish!
