Hello readers! I'm delighted and feel blessed to write about Our Dad again. I thank Him for this wonderful grace He has given to me. Thanks to UTAR computer lab as well. Hahahaha!
As usual I was inspired to write about one of the most prominent yet amazing prophecy that Jesus fulfilled on the cross. I call it"Unbroken Bones". It wasn't so appealing to me in the past years but recently after a Sunday sermon I had the urge to research and write about His unbroken bones.
We all know that Jesus had to die and rise again to deliver us eternally from the power of Hades. But what we often don't take initiative to know is that there were numerous prophecies that were put to rest alongside with His crucifixion because all happened in the most perfect order. I can't get the numbers right of how many prophecies were there but what was very visible to me was these unbroken bones.
What is it so special about unbroken bones? He was completely dead and rose again, breaking the bones was nothing significant? Why is it so important for the prophets to prophesy this event and why this has to come to pass? All these were my questions and I saw how God answered me one by one when I was sitting down among the crowd listening to the sermon.
Ok let's do some study and get to the topic step by step to ensure that we absorb every drop of knowledge God reveals here. Let me list it down to ease you:
a) What do bones symbolize biblically?
b) Where in The Holy Bible these prophecies and fulfillment were written?
c) Why were they so important?
What do bones symbolize biblically?
I would like you to have a Bible with you so that you can relate the connections with me. The references used for this section would be 2 Kings 23:16-18.
Bones are important parts of the skeletal system of the body. They provide structural support and enable voluntary and involuntary muscle movements. Their roles are significant in most systems in our body. They protect the important organs in our body as well. In short, without bones we are mere nothing. We might probably live like snails or caterpillars. When we understand the basics of the bone in us, we will be able to relate it with The Bible.
In 2 Kings context, it is written that King Josiah burnt the bones of rebellious and evil workers' at once. But he left the bones of the prophets of God as it is in the tomb. The evil doers were dead, why Josiah had to burn the bones? When you read the whole book we know that most Kings during that period rebelled against God adding curse to the nation. But Josiah wanted to get his nation out of it knowing the Commandments of God. He then destroyed every pinch of evil in that nation including the bones of evil workers. Now it symbolizes that he destroyed the ultimate "support system" of evil in his nation to keep it out from curse and destruction.
So we see here that bones symbolize some "support system" in The Bible.
Where in The Holy Bible these prophecies and fulfillment were written?
We see that olden days prophets did not only prophesy for contemporary situations but God hid futuristic messages in their prophecies. Like in Psalms 34:20, it is said He keeps all His bones and none were broken. It means the said Messiah should not have his bones broken during his death. It was significant because crucifixion was common in those days and whoever was crucified not necessarily The Messiah. And so to clearly distinct this scenario God hid the prophecy of "Unbroken Bones" in this psalm.
We also see the fulfillment of this prophecy when John quotes it in a very beautiful manner in John 19:33-36 saying none of Jesus' bones were broken. The soldiers couldn't do it, the priests couldn't do it and no one had the power to break them because Jesus kept them.
Why were they so important?
This is the main part of the post. Why are these hyped "Unbroken Bones" so significant that God wanted to highlight it as a very important prophecy?
We know that though Jesus was the Ultimate and Highest form of Power, and He could easily make anything or destroy anything, heal anyone etc, He chose not to do that on Himself. He rise up to conquer the power of death and to redeem us. No one has the authority to kill God. He chose to die for us. But He didn't want his wounds healed though He could've made it happen because He wanted to heal us with His stripes and wounds. He regards them as a honorable award for saving His children. Every single stripe and wound the soldiers gave Him are still fresh on His body. So if His bones were allowed to be broken, probably it will be retained so. But His bones should not be broken.
He said He will destroy the temple and build it in 3 days. As He told, He rose up from death to build an eternal temple over His body as the foundation. The reference verses are Ephesians 5:23 and Colossians 1:24. The church is His body and we see that Paul said it very beautifully in Romans 12:4-7. Now being a part of His body, the church has to be super stable to grow and multiply. His bones supply the necessary support and strength for the church to grow and propagate. Like in us, we grow only when our bones are strong. But in Jesus, His bones are and can never be broken. So, His church, our relationships with His children and with Him shall never and can never be broken. Wounds and stripes are expected as He said we will face tribulations, but eternally we know that Jesus The Rock of Salvation is our foundation and nothing can move it.
As bones in every part of the body has different functions, say in abdomen area it helps movements of hands and protects the heart and lungs etc, we are part of His body but different church has different visions or responsibilities to accomplish. We will be continuously protected by Dad. But as a whole, we all work together as one to Grow and Multiply similar to our body.
So dear readers, "Unbroken Bones" are significant enough I guess. His power behind the suffer on the cross is clearly seen in the propagation and growth of churches across the globe today.
Be Inspired and Be Blessed.
truly said...UNBROKEN symbolizes unity...just as HE was not broken we as the BODY of Christ should not be broken too..physically a broken bone in a body leads to generalized weakness.. we are not looking forward for that in the church...we are to support and encourage others...we are called to be Barnabas...for the growth of the church we have sufferings...but not brokenness...that is what the enemy is up to...cus he knows we are nothing when we are alone... so we mus not allow him to creep or deceive our thoughts from staying united,,stop seeing the differences n develop the similarities...one vision,,one goal...we cam make it through....nice one sarath
ReplyDeleteFirstly thanks for the truthful yet encouraging comment. I totally agree with you. We are called to Barnabas and to develop the similarities. We are being constantly bombarded with urge for division but what if the arm wants to operate on its own? The whole idea becomes a disaster. Thats what happening today. We have to remind people about our main calling and that we are being operated by The Brain Jesus and He makes the choice of how the church grows.